
$3 and 75¢.
That is what I paid for the beer I had last night at dinner.
In contrast, my husband paid $4 for his.
His TWO.
That came in a can.
A can that held 4 more ounces (each) than my bottle.
Did I add that my beer was a Miller Lite?
Yes. A Miller. Lite.
And his?
His was a PBR.
I should say, his were PBR-s.

Ahhhh!! But don't be deceived! I got waaaaay more for my money than did he.
Because my beer,
my three-dollar-and-seventy-five-cent-plus-alcohol-tax-bottle of Miller Lite (yeah, that's right),
mine came with a big ol' mouthful of rust.


At least, that's what the manager told me it was when he came over to apologize for the before-then-unknown substance that was all over my tongue and lips after I took my first, before-that-second, happy swallow.

He said he was sorry about the rust, but you know, it's just one of those things that happens with their old cooler if they forget to rotate it ... something about condensation ...

And then we opened our napkins to see two sets of dirty silverware. This after our server introduced herself and explained how just a day or so ago, she'd been throwing up with the stomach virus ...


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