TIL - Part II; As seen on TV

Things I love, Part 2 in a series, continues with . . . the space bag!

Yeah, I know. But the infomercials get me every time. Sometimes I get stuck watching them for hours. It was worse pre-parenthood, because then, I had hours of free time to sit around doing nothing. Back in the day, those late-night spots always managed to hook me. Needless to say, I've seen just about any product of this nature you can think of, and I've contemplated the purchase of many of them. (My husband just thanks heaven that we don't own the Little Giant and Mighty Putty yet.)

Typically, I'm not a fan of catalog ordering, tv shopping, or the like, although if it's online, I have no issues with making an unseen purchase (evidence of my over-dependence on and trust in the medium?). And even though I have no intention of buying these items, I watch the 'shows' over and over. Could be I'm lulled into a semi-conscious state by the practiced voices of the hosts, could be that those mesmerizing lights; either way, I watch and take note, and can later recite all the virtues of said product to my leery and slightly bored husband.

All this to say that thanks to our beloved Target, I can now inspect some of this TV product for myself. And that's exactly what I did with the item known in organized circles as the space bag. I was skeptical but intrigued. Could it really make more space for me?

The answer, folks is YES! In fairness, I'm a first time user, and I've only been using for about 20 minutes. So we'll see how these things hold up over time. But, if first impressions are everything, I am Impressed with the "Big letter I". I've had 4 big bags of too-small-for-our-angel baby-clothes sitting around in the closet for several months. Each time she outgrows something, I add it to the top of the bags. The bags were nearly bursting from the strain of holding in so many clothes. But not anymore.

This morning I was able to get all 4 bags worth of clothes into 2, count 'em 2, medium-sized space bags. With the air sucked out, they take up about 6 inches of vertical space.

Sometimes things work out well. Chalk one up for me today, and one for the Space Bag. I'll be a repeat customer for sure.

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