Saving it

That's what I'm attempting to do, anyway.

I need to save the baby photos and videos. And I'm thwarted at every turn. Four dvd's wasted as the computer crashes in the middle of a burn. 10G of images, still need to come off, and as I burn, the computer starts to overheat . . . and crashes. Again.

Earlier, I tried to save the shower caddy from our master bath. It's somehow covered in rust. Something I just don't have the patience to try and understand. I mean, come on. It's a shower caddy - for the *shower* - where it gets wet. You'd think they'd make it out of something that doesn't rust. But, that's me. Anyway, trying to get the rust out of all those little wiry spots is like , well, I don't know what it's like, but it's hard. And I think I've given up.

And this morning, I tried to save the baby's clothes from the stains that appear to be beyond set in. No luck.

I suppose I feel like it's a good thing I'm not responsible for saving the world.

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