the end of things

This afternoon I learned that our friends, two people we love and have spent many good times with, are ending their marriage.

I don't want to gossip about it, or debate the faults. I'm just sad.

Sad for them. Sad for their children. Sad for their futures without one another. Sad for the memories of the good times that will be hard to remember now. Sad that it's really happening.

Sad that it's at the end.

Things here are hard. It's how life is. And the end of a marriage, no matter the ins and outs or the whys or hows, is a terrible rending of what was made to be one, a whole, together. It matters not if the hearts leave as friends or foes; the leaving is still a leaving, a tearing, a pulling apart of what was once meshed with hopes of forever.

My heart hurts for them.

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